Professionals Resource Bank

Health Conditions in School

A vast collection of resources broken down by subject and topic.

Well At School

Advice on supporting children with medical or mental health conditions.

Nip In The Bud

Short films and fact sheets to support pupils with a medical condition.

Shine Training Bookshop

A collection of books that we recommend – (contains affiliate links).

Phoenix Education

A range of free downloadable resources created by SEMH specialist Sarah Johnson.

Child Bereavement UK

Support to help families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies.

Winstons Wish

Digital bereavement information, advice and support for young people across the UK.

Talk Grief

A dedicated online space for grieving teenagers and young adults (13 to 25) to find support.

Taming Olivia

OCD recources and a place to learn about mental well-being and recovery.

Ditch the Label

A global youth charity to support young people with relationships, bullying or identity. 

Beat Eating Disorders

A UK Charity with a mission to end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders.

Charlie Waller

Practical advice and relevant information based on clinical evidence.

Staying Safe

Support to help keep people safer from thoughts of harm and suicide.


A UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive wellbeing.

This May Help

Practical advice for parents supporting children with their mental health

Young Minds

Resources and advice including wellbeing activities and toolkits to support young people.

The Mix

A UK based charity that provides free, confidential support for young people under 25.

Youth Justice Resource Bank

Resources to support young people navigating their way through the youth justice system. 

Act On It Now

Resources for working with teenagers and young people on healthy relationships.

Health for Teens

A new and different way for young people aged 11-19 to learn about their health.

Our Parent Guide Resources

A Parents Guide to Elective Home Education

Home Education Resource Bank

Shine Training Parents Guide Podcast

A Parents Guide to Permanent Exclusions

South West Grid for Learning

A not for profit charity ensuring everyone can benefit from technology free from harm.

Keeping Children Safe Online

Online safety advice, resources and support from one of the UK’s leading children’s charities.

Health for Teens

Free online safety advice and  for families. Links to safety settings  updated articles and expert advice.

Common Sense Media

Common Sense Media provides expert reviews, objective advice, helpful tools, and so much more.

Association for Education Welfare Management

Professional support for Managers in Education Social Work, the Education Welfare Service and safeguarding in education.


PRUsAP is the member organisation that represents the Alternative Provision sector of Education in England regionally and nationally.

National Association for Pastoral Care in Education

For all professionals who have a shared interest in pastoral care and the welfare of students of all ages in schools.

National Association for Hospital Education

An organisation for anyone who works children who are unable to attend school due to health needs.

Submit your resource ideas

Feel free to let us know about any resources that you think should be featured in our professionals resource bank.

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