Ways in which the local authority might make enquiries to establish the education provision
Visit you and your child either at home or a neutral venue of your choosing | View reports from any tutors that are working with your child |
Complete a questionnaire | View examples of work, timetables etc that you provide them with |
Compulsory School Age
A child becomes of compulsory school age from the first of the following dates (31 August, 31 December or 31 March) which occurs after she or he becomes five years old (or if the fifth birthday falls on one of those dates, on that day). The child remains so until the last Friday of June in the academic year in which she or he becomes sixteen. Children may also be educated at home in order to participate in education and training until the age of 18. (Section 2.3)
DfE Elective Home Education Guide for Parents
Actions the local authority can take if you are not providing a suitable education.
If the local authority are not satisfied that the education provided is suitable they may serve a notice (known as S.437 (1) notice). This will outline a time period, usually at least 15 days, during which you are requested to satisfy the local authority that the education you are providing suitable education.
Following this, if the local authority are still not satisfied that your child is receiving suitable education and believes that your child should be in school then the local authority has a legal obligation to serve a school attendance order (SAO). Failure to comply with an SAO is a criminal offence.