Reasons for choosing to Home Educate 

Download a copy of the DfE Guidance for Elective home education – GOV.UK (

Reasons why some parents choose to home educate

Dissatisfaction with the education systemShort Term Intervention
BullyingDistance or access to local schools
Religious or cultural beliefsPhilosophical or ideological views
Medical/health needsTo address SEN need
School refusal

Questions for parents to consider when deciding to home educate

Do they have the resources to provide suitable education for your child?

Are they able to provide an appropriate learning environment?

Are they able to absorb the financial impact of home educating?

Are they able to dedicate the time to home education?

Is it the right thing for their child?

The views of the child

It is important that a child’s views are taken into account when choosing to home educate. When considering their opinion parents should take into account their age and level of maturity. This does not take away from the decision that the parent makes, it does though ensure that your child is happy to be educated at home. More information about children’s rights can be found at The Convention on the Rights of the Child: The children’s version | UNICEF .

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