Resources and Support

Below is a small sample of a wide range of resources that are available to support with home education. You can find a larger selection in our Elective Home Education Resource bank, which can be found at

National Oak Academy –

An online resource bank containing over 40,000 free resources for ages 4 to 16.

BBC Bitesize –

A collection of learning resources for ages 4 to 16.

Twinkl –

Twinkl provides a wide selection of free and paid for display and learning resources

Literacy Shed –

The Literacy Shed is fantastic collection of films and animations to support with the teacher of reading and writing.

School Reading List –

A list of recommended reading books for primary and secondary aged children.

DfE National Curriculum –

The DfE National Curriculum contains the UK Governments Programmes of study by subject

Hamilton Trust –

Hamilton Trust contains free and paid planning overviews and resources for the core subjects of Science, English and Maths.

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