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Off-site direction may only be used as a way to improve future behaviour and not as a sanction or punishment for past misconduct. Off-site direction should only be used where in-school interventions and/or outreach have been unsuccessful or are deemed inappropriate and should only be used to arrange a temporary stay in AP (Alternative Provision).
DfE Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Guidance Pg 19 Paragraph 33
Whilst attending alternative provision (AP) the school should ensure that you are given clear information about the placement: why, when, where and how it will be reviewed. The placement should be kept under review. Although there is no published requirements about the frequency of reviews, they should be frequent enough to provide assurance that the provision is achieving its objectives and that this is having a positive impact on the pupil. Failure to engage in a placement may result in the school taking parental responsibility measures outlined in the school attendance policy.